Silencers and Muzzle Flashes

The LA Times’ Top of the Ticket blog reports that Hillary Clinton has stopped taking questions at her Iowa events as the caucuses loom.

 “Before the brief Christmas break, the New York senator had been setting aside time after campaign speeches to hear from the audience. Now when she’s done speaking, her theme songs blare from loudspeakers, preventing any kind of public Q&A.She was no more inviting when a television reporter approached her after a rally on Thursday and asked if she was “moved’’ by Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. Clinton turned away without answering.

Her daughter, Chelsea, had the same reaction when a reporter approached her with a question.”

The HRC team must have run out of questions to plant. 

Instead of the cold shoulder, Mike Huckabee gave reporters birdshot during his recent Iowa pheasant hunt, according to the Chicago Tribune’s Swamp blog.

“At one point, Huckabee’s party turned toward a cluster of reporters and cameramen and, when they kicked up a pheasant, fired shotgun blasts over the group’s heads. This, friends, is dangerously bad hunting form.”

Wanna give him crap about being foreign policy lightweight? Go ahead, make his day.  


Filed under Iowa Caucuses

3 responses to “Silencers and Muzzle Flashes

  1. Doug

    So many times, there are candidates who get tired of questions, but for such a personal question for the former First Lady…it would have given her a chance to react spontaneously and in a heartfelt manner.
    She should hve done better. Now, Huckabee’s gun issue? Probably should have done better…but who in the heck is used to hunting with a cadre of media alongside? He should have asked, and they should have left him alone.

  2. Tina

    It really looks like Senator Obama would be the strongest D-candidate in November against any Republican, according to the AJC –

  3. Steve Hanken

    Republicans with guns? After the VP incident, you’d think people would stay clear!

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